Batgirl and the birds of prey review ign
Batgirl and the birds of prey review ign

batgirl and the birds of prey review ign

Yes, I agree, many of them are… But dialogue like this makes me cringe. Nobody has any idea what this virus is, how it’s transmitted, or why it’s only infecting men… But somehow Canary knows that it isn’t airborne. Ollie comes to Gotham while all of the men are getting sick. You Should Probably Hold Your Breath Ollie. Some Specific Problems I Had With This Issue: All I know is that I can’t be alone in this feeling, because sales keep drop, drop, dropping! I don’t understand how this title manages to be so sub-par each and every month. There are basic things that should be caught or changed before the book goes to print. I could literally write an essay about this issue (or any issue that came before this one), and point out multiple problems on every page. With every page you read, you discover more examples of poor plot, characterization, or dialogue. I know I called out the writers and editors for including Stephanie in the Gotham Knights on two separate occasions, but just because she doesn’t support vigilantes while being a vigilante, doesn’t mean that she wants to kill all of the men in Gotham! I mean, this issue has Spoiler verbally supporting mass genocide. With illogical plots, poor characterization, and sorry excuse for dialogue, it’s the title that you need to pick up… If you want to drive yourself to drink. If you can’t tell, I absolutely loved this book. Wonder Woman does what Wonder Woman does best, and goes off to save citizens that are trapped in a construction site, while Batwoman interrogates a suspect that may have something to do with this virus… And when I say, “suspect that may have something to do with this virus,” what I mean is a woman who is part of a cult that was caught pouring something into Gotham’s water supply, and openly admits all men need to die to cleanse Gotham… Yeah, I think it’s fair to say she’s more than a suspect. Ivy comes up with the concept that if she has the blood of someone who’s infected, then she should be able to create a cure… Which is when three-fourths of these women go to get blood. Out of all of the characters, three of them have value here: Poison Ivy, Batwoman, and Wonder Woman.

batgirl and the birds of prey review ign

Do you want to know why? Because the Bensons didn’t know what to do with these characters and just thought it would be cool to throw all of them on a page. That, or they watch another hero do something.

batgirl and the birds of prey review ign batgirl and the birds of prey review ign

If you have the privilege of getting to a chunk of DC’s top female characters for a story, then actually do something with them! Do you want to know what nearly all of the characters do in this issue? They go draw blood from men they know that are infected with this virus. Even this crazy story could be good if a little effort were put into it…. Batgirl & the Birds of Prey could be good. I know many of you will say I’m out of line or inappropriate, but I’ve decided that my reviews have every right to be as ridiculous as this book. So why is this issue cool? Because all of these women join forces to try and stop this epidemic! Yeah! Let’s dive into this book that reads as if it were written by a nine-year-old girl struggling to cope with her emotions after she witnessed her second-grade crush, Tommy Teller, kiss another boy in the schoolyard! Girls rule, boys drool! I wonder how many splash pages the Bensons can manage to fit all of these characters into, while also making sure each character has something to say? With all of Gotham’s men out of commission, it’s up to the Birds of Prey to save the day (Yes, I’m aware that rhymed.)… Lois Lane is also here to save the day get the scoop on a great story! But don’t worry, Batwoman is here to save the day! And Catwoman! And Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Gotham Girl, Cassandra Cain, Spoiler, Wonder Woman (cause we’ve gotta throw DC’s biggest female hero into the book for a sales boost), Amanda Waller, and more! It’s ridiculous! But considering the history of this book, are we really surprised? No. This is what is written by the Bensons, therefore it must be! Understand? Don’t ask questions! We’ve learned these Batgirl & the Birds of Prey stories fall apart when you try to include any inkling of logic, so just stop. There is no explanation detailing how it’s only infecting the men, it just is. “Manslaughter” features a viral outbreak in Gotham City that’s only infecting the men. If you’ve wisely been avoiding the tragedy that is Batgirl & the Birds of Prey, then I’ll fill you in on the current story. Men are evil scum! Women are awesome! Eradicate the men! Blah, blah, blah! This issue has a lot of Valerie Solanas-type crap in it! SCUM!

Batgirl and the birds of prey review ign